Munbienax processor

Don't click me!This is a machine of Munbienax ideograms processor. You write in some Munbienax words in Latin-alphabet, and get Munbienax ideograms rapidly.
(spelling of hyphens among the words Only)
Checked by IE 5.5 over, on Javascript. repetition command is "-ref-". There is an auto-repeat function. You need to write special spellings for some special words(homonyms, "-2" to distinguish : e.g. between "an" and "an2").
You need not separate "-h"(separator) from other words.
Numbers: "1234" --> 1-tit-2-mum-3-tuu-4 (write unit words like chinese numbers)
Propernouns, you need to write "k-"(a before parenthesis "(" <-- like this)
e.g. k-mun-bie-na-x iu-ut-hie. <--- write in the upper-box below and click "Output".
Shortened spellings : kambuy = KB, sumpaya = SP, baetae = BT, tutuy = TT
Added function commands : "-br-" begin on a new line, "-sp-" a blank.
This machine want a period, blank, "?", or "!" in the end of words, to show the result.
Auto-repeat switch, ON(checked) or OFF -->
If you want to write repeat marks under your manual control, turn OFF auto-repeat switch and write in -ref-.
This is a machine to copy images of Munbienax ideograms with command "Alt + COPY".
Under our circumstances, this programing file has been put into a japanese language folder.

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