tube3-Tubes Dusty-Radio

ConpanionThis is a Dusty-Radio, I made it in 20th Century.
There are 3 Tubes which is working on the steel box as the Earth.
And, Added shiny lamp bulb, from a dust-yard ...... poor !!!
But this Radio takes a foreign air wave & talk me Chinese, Korean, in Japan.

Jungle-Circuit, Surprised jungle girl
There is a girl whose height is 15∼6cm (about 5 inches). The circuit is used few transister's parts, because old parts were very old and dangerous.

One day, my friend, called "Kappa" brought me a few old electric tubes.
Kappa said, "Kids were breaking these. I was given these from the kids by a few money. And, don't you buy these? hee-hee-hee."
6D6(with sield) X 2, UZ-42, 80HK, UY-76, 6E5(magic-eye) .... Oh! I can go to make a electric tubed Radio! .... in 1980.
But, the parts are not enough! I search parts at dust, junk, ash ...... at last, My radio started to talk in 1985∼6.
But But, One of the tubes has gone. "6D6∼!!!"(snif) The speaker has broken down. Transister parts has heated .....On Fire! in my radio.
I have found the Last One of the Tubes, in 2003 !!! I got tired out...

Tunner Tunner
& Detecter
Use 6C6.
Before WWⅡ Technology.
Amplifier AudioFrequency
6ZP1 is the Japanese Amplifier Tube.
Electric Sorce Electric Sorce
In Japan, 100V comes to common house.
Use 12F, in now.

Lines of SupplyConpanionDirect-heated-tubes, alike KX12F, often break proximate Capacitors.
Sort of them wake up soon, but other tubes (sort of Indirect-heated-tubes) are in asleep still. Supplies go on the electric lines to them.
Supplies were'nt loaded off there, go to the store of Capacitors. and the store be full of supplies, go to bomb!


An electron in a pentodeAn electron in a pentode
Watch the Manga, from right-upper to left-bottom.
"Pentode" has 5 poles, as
"C(K)athode", "Grid-1", "Grid-2", "Grid-3", "Plate(Anode)".

A flock of the electron take off the cathode to go to get to the anode as the electrical goal.
On the way they suffer under some electrical pain and get some support to gain.
( .... What am I writing?)

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