
mi I, my, me / mio mine
di You, your / dio yours
nuo We, our, us / nio ours
to This, That, it, one, 3rd-Person / tio his, hers, its
suo self / sio own
cuo what, who, (wh- words) / cuo-to = something, anything
cuiuo which(in two) / cuissimo which(in plural)
nemo no one, nobody

 ※ "cuo" makes some clauses frequently.
 ※ "e" is a word of a provisional employment.

bono feel Good, to like, to want
malo feel Bad, to hate
et- to appear, to come, to show, to make
dis- to disappear, to go
ed- to eat, to memorize, foods
ne no, not, nothing / (ne- antonym)
e copula(emphasizer)
 → in the first, similar to "There is --"
-oo the first person(conversational)
nero near, easy
telo far, not easy
mauno feel Big, Great
mauto many, much
 → (mau abbr. of "maune, maute" / very, more)
paruo feel Small, Cheep
 → (pau abbr. of "parue" / a bit of)

Irregulars (Antique)
maiuo bigger, larger, greater, major
mini-, miniuo lesser, smoller, minor
massimo the biggest, maximum
minimo the smallest, minimum
ottimo best, optimus
About the word of "ne"
Negative word "ne" (an adverb) is able to change itself into other usages with some suffixes(mention later).

>>> no = ne + o / concrete "nothing, no" as a noun & an adjective.
>>> nalo = ne + alo / abstruct "nothing, no" as a noun & an adjective.

Naturally, there are able to be "non", "nalon"(accusative).
you can see "na = n(e) + a" (emphasized "but, except") form.
About the word of "to"
Demonstrative word "to" is able to change itself, in a similar way of "ne".
>>> talo = to + alo / use to indicate a thing that has appeared in front of you.
  "to, talo!" = This is that!

Verb mains
uid- to see, to look, to understand
  → ∼ don search, decide
log- to say, to tell
aud- to hear, to listen
fac- to do, to use, to make
ab- to have, to get
tol- to take, (with Dative) to touch
dat- to give
lud- to play
con- to know
uiu- to live
ris- to laugh, to smile
am- to love
git- to go, to move
iuu- to help
mut- to change, to bend
ut- to through, to pass , to forgive
cog- to think
put- to seem, to purify
as- to be / ( puo + infinitive )
  → to ready to ∼
iud- to fight. to hit, to smash
leg- to read, to collect
lig- to join, to link
fin- to end
it- to stand
uas- to put on, to wear, to cover
pou- can, to be able to
uol- want

-us Present
-is Past
-as Future
-i Imperative
-imo let's

-ido Present participle
-ito Past participle
-ure Infinitives
re-, re (reprat, again)
  ----> "re" is able to be an independent (normal) word.

uidus don ∼ search for ∼ / decide
  ----> don-uid- special stem form of "search", e.g. don-uidure, don-uidito etc.
"git-"'s Imperative → ii!, iimo!
"to buy(purchase)" = tolure ***-n i peko (to get *** out of money) ※provisional
"to sell" = eture pekon i *** (to make money out of ***) ※provisional

Noun mains
ido the same (class)
----> idalo brother, sister
amico friend
ado enemy ---> adalo other
patero, patuo father
matero, matuo mother, base
filio child
omo human, male
femo fimale
facio face
oio eye
nezo nose
aurio ear, edge
uoco mouth, word, gate
dento teeth, bit(e)
unato jaw, chin
mano hand, arm, use
digito finger, count
ungo nail, claw, hook
podo foot, leg, kick
capo head, top, leader, king
caro body, flesh
coro mind, soul, meaning
sino chest / sina bust
punto hip, end
mouto death, die
mago power, to be able
uisero contents, violet, purple
osso bone
tunico cloth
comono people, common
secuo sword, to cut
sagito arrow, shoot, send
autio technic
seruo shield, deffence
baro bar, offence
milio soldier, war
uitto victory, to open, to lend
fueto lost, to shut, to borrow
foedo friendly
aro thing, case, a stone
languo language, tongue, lick
cauto paper, document
geo earth
udo water, spring
puro fire, to burn
uento wind, breath, air, fast
aubo tree, to stand
arido sand, powder
celeito sky, heaven
neuo snow
guaco glace, ice
sono sound, voice, name
deno sun, day
lugo light, to shine
nogo darkness
infeuno inferno
cuito salt, crystal
guamo grass, hair
fuoro flower
uio way, progress
monto mountain, hill
fosso vally
sensimo stairs, shoulder
forumo forum
colegio school
caeco cul-de-sac, bag
loco place, location, to put
fumo river, float down, wash
undo wave
pilo bullet
ferro iron, danger
bango gap, span, to break
pono bridge, neck, to across
domo house, to home
foumo hole
tombo grave, tomb
terro territory
limo limit, to stop
seco short cut
cicuo circle
bito insect
canio little animals
pomo apple, fruits, to hang
auio bird, to fly
pisso fish, to swim
fero great animals
pano bread
cicimo cucumber
guatio rest, asreep
sano hello, health, blood
aurumo gold, money
augento silver
nomo name
melo oil, ink to draw
patto paste, glue
lineo line, border
puano board, back
cubo cube, box, room
noto note, letter, sign, write
caso slip, falling
ueso vessel, to keep
ualo string, line, to bind
ento each
panso dust, excrements
nouo next, new
anticuo old, antique
uario smoke, no-seen things
taubo spiral
miro thunder, sudden(ly)
tubo pype
imago image, form
tempo time, tense
impero to dominate
couno corn
luno moon
itelo star, to scatter
Esituo ex, to put out
Contuo contra, anti
Supero superiol
ipero to want
canto pray, song
aitio hot, warm
fuigo cool, cold
uerito true, truth
guauito weight
longo length, long
ego ego, (elegant) I, We
latero side
-n suffix Object
-i suffix Plural
-e suffix Dative, tools, means
-a suffix Feminin Gender (optional, Un-necessary)
-iuo Comparative
-issimo Superlative
en at, on, in / with (ac) = into'
puo for, par
ne interrogative sign, at the sentence end
nerissimo the nearest = next
a and
o or
alo, ale also
i from, than
sin without
con with, when(in latin gram.)
don till, until, during
unalo, unale only

[ omo, femo problem ]
There is not the Gender-Discrimination between them.
This language is Old-fashioned.
fometo = Girl.
And you can say "Fema, Fometa". (Feminin Gender)

sensime (adverb "sensimo" ) meaning "step by step, more and more"

tempo "time" ---> "tempoi" the number of times, "temp-ido" timing,
"temp-alo" temporary, "temp-aloi" often, "tempai" (slang)all set
... you can change the word like these.

"den-alo" every day, daily.

anto front, future
meto back, past
goito left / goitalo wrong
deito right / deitalo truth
suro upperside
subo downside
oso outside, (an)other
ino inside
mido middle
demio, demi- half
centuo center
noudo north
sudo south
oriento east
occidento west
toto all, total
nuno now, yet, still
debe must (adverb)
ito such, alike this, Yes, So

-ono (to seem great)
-eto -ette (to seem pretty)
-oro -er, -or (person)
-ero -er, -or (tools)
-ago -age
-alo -al, color, some ....
-tudo -tude, degree
ne- a prefix of "antonym"
de- a prefix of "antonym of movements"
numero number
uno 1, together
duo 2, again
tuio 3
cuatuo 4
cinco 5
siso 6
seito 7
uito 8
nufo 9
deco 10
-ginto Namber * 10 (Without 20)
uiginto 20
cento, -cento 100
milo, -milo 1000
doto point, dot
puemo first
secundo second
-to -th (Ordinals, over 3)
minuto minut
oro hour
meso month
ano year

-abil- -able (suffix)
-is- -ise, -ize (suffix)
-itio -tion (suffix)
-io, -ia group, territory (suffix)

de + vas = "discover, search" ( a conpound word )
de + con = "forget, forgive" ( a conpound word )
re + lig + io = "religion?" ( a conpound word )

deo God
reo king
deuelo Demon, Devil
Cappo Kappa (Japanese)
Uampiro Vampire
Succubo, Succuba Succubus, nightmare
Duogitoro Doppelgaenger (German)
Licantuopo Licanthrope
Minotauro Mynotauros
Ciongsio Chinese Zombie
Zombio Zombie
Ninfo, Ninfa Nymph
Angelo Angel
Duago dragon
Femoneuo, Femaneua Queen of Ice
lupo wolf
buo cattle
ecuo horse
felio cat
muso mouse, rat, small animal
simio monky, ape
lepo rabbit, hare
uoupo fox
ouio sheep(mutton, lumb), goat
belo beautyful, pretty
eroticuo erotic
reuno kingdom
imperio empire
mundo world
nerissimo near-est → next
nemauto not many → few, small namber
cito fast, speed
auto high, height
fouto strong, strength
deico saucer
uino liquor, wine
garo town, village
fuilo pen, needle
libuo book
gazeto newspaper
peco money
itulo desk, stool
cafeo coffee
macino machine
automato automatic
nudo nude, strip
pupo doll
peusono character
diretto direct
medico medicine, medical, doctor
aumo arm, armor

nauio ship, vehicle, tub
fenomeno phenomenon
ideo idea, ideal
sacuro holy
libero liberty
tento temptation
resono reason
ouo egg, seed, the origin
puio rain
umo cloud
doumio dream, sleep
reto net, web, cloth
saco bag, stomach
sapio wise, clever(ness)
ougano organ, device, mechanism
autico joint, limbs
cuedo credit, believe
sumito summit, top
zoo zoo, animal
alo wing
buaco arm
femuro leg, support
inguo crotch, branch road
auso bear
suso pig, boar
sato full, enough
figuro (to) figure
animo anima, animate
pelio skin, pellicle
oubio orb, sphere
curuo curve, to bend
pauto (to) part
uico vice, sub-
memoro memo, memory, to take notes
giganto giant, titan
cerebuo brain(s), cerebral
pougato cleaning, purgation
siuno sign(al)
ioco (to) joke
sodo please, request
maro the sea, marine
insulo island, insulate(d)
acido acid(s)
coloro color, atmosphere
laboro work
rapido rapid
paco peace
caubono carbon, charcoal
peufetto perfect

Femaneua, Succubia are feminines figure.


Guation! → Hello! Thunk You! Good-bye! ( ≒ grace, gracius)
Sanon! → Hello!
Nomo mi, "*****". → My name is "*****".
Cuo oro, nune? → What time is it now?
Mi asus i terro omo. → I am from Human-World.
Di abus cuon edure? → Have You what to eat (something to eat)?
Di logas me uion don terro omo. → Please tell me the way to Human-World.
Mi uolus sanon di. → I want your blood.
Mi edas sanon di. → I'll(want to) drink your blood.
Asi edito! → Be eaten (by me)!
infeune! → Go to hell!
Mi amus din. → I love you.