How to draw Manga 2(Japanese style)

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to deformThis page is just a continuation of "How to draw Manga".to deform

※This space is not a training school for "Ecchi, Hentai" !!! I think so.
(according to circumstances, the words aren't coincident with the images because they are changed frequently with our feeling)



There is a way of how to draw poses.
First, you draw lines of personal figure. Put a circle on the top as the head.
You make the line-person poses you want. And, you put flesh on the line-body.
(but, I had drawn it too readily: there is a great wall nobody can clear over easily between first frame & second)
If you want put wears on the Characters, you take them how you want.

It's EASY! ;-)

No royal road but your enthusiasm.

[a postscript]
drawing linesConsideration to drawing lines.
Manga creators who are constantly drawing Manga on real papers, usually draw them with black lines all.
(left-hand side)
Genuine CG-creators have a tendency to select the color of drawing-lines at the request of the environments.
(right-hand side, I have not the enough ability to draw them ;/ )

Strange posesStrange poses (you desired?)
while you are drawing many figures, you may want to draw strange poses.
But those are usually hard to draw for beginners.
In that case, convert your drawing way. Draw in an order from the near portion of the target.(in principle)

<---(shameless)for example, pushed back the butt? on the hands and knees.....
(I don't know how to say in English)
The butt and the around should be drawn first, then the head, the chest, the hands are drawn later.

For what the purpose of..... Find it yourself, I don't know.


How to draw Poses, 2nd.
It is a strange unique figure, have you ever seen somewhere?

"Egyptian Heavy Gymnastics, Do you know where is this from???"
(Nnn..www..t..) ←?

This figure is drawn on lines of personal figures. You mind sizes of them heads or bodies.
And, Be true to own desire, at own desire.

"Well... gathered three girls gather our brows, HeHeHe." ←drunkers


How to draw Poses, 3rd.
MIND all parts of the body you wanna draw!
A part make the character, elder, younger, slender, fat......

E.g. You put on breasts upwards, she'll be younger. etc...
Top of Hips are lower than where you think.

Today, Japanese Manga scene is being dominated under one way.
All of artists are drawing the same pictures. It is a great problem.
I am NOT!! (or, I can't do so)
so, I draw girls easily. 15 minutes per a girl.

[a postscript]
insectariumYour body is assembled many parts. There are joined each other with joints.
That is, joints are movable, parts of the body are non-movable, especially you should reconfirm analytically these affairs.

Watching the human's body as a puppet or one of insects, may give you examples and better results of Manga-drawing rather than the normal method.

And remember, a race of the human being has no extra-arms or legs.
(politically correct)



Parts (the back)

How to draw Poses, 4th. Be shameless! .... correct myself,
Forget the shame! You ought to draw everything, like to be them so.
If hips are there, draw them. You have to do so because they have been in your sight & have been inputted into your mind.
& You must go to output them because if you don't go to do so, your head will get indigestion. Draw it! then be worried about it!
DON'T THINK, DRAW! ※The author is not a hips-phile※
Most of Japanese don't think that they are made fools when they are shown the hips. (especially, when it is girls ones!)

Don't you think that most of japanese manga authors are abnormal(hentai)?
That reason is very simple, most of the authors who are drawing pictures kind of this, are feeble youngsters who are in uncontrollable themselves.
The youngsters who are commonly intrigued out of plenty sexual things, have got considerable drawing skills, in japan. And, I am not so....(skill? age?)

strange [A postscript]
<-- Drawing strange poses is easier for you, than drawing normals -->
Because, those have no symmetrical comparable matters under drawing, easygoing.
(Of course, that's a question of degree)
But these have been put under hard regulations.
Making even, adjusting right and left, isn't as easy as you had imagined.

Body  The parts

How to draw Poses +
Have you got any skills necessary for drawing poses yet? You, who have not still got them, draw more!(only these words....)
I suggest that skilled persons should be concerned about distortions of body lines with bending or twisting the joints.

An alternative image (images are changed often)

When you sit crosslegged, bottom of the trunk(abdomen) is pressed and become small. thighs that have oval sections, rotate 90 degrees and become to look thin.......

These figures indicate a muscular distortion of bottoms(hips, buttocks).
When you bend the legs like squatting down(sit cross legged), the muscles get into being flat(the volumes are decreased).
And, you get to be able to watch the hidden part you couldn't watch.


joshi_catsCompositions of the entanglement of plural persons is also important cases I thought because persons ain't alone.

an example of the entanglement

an example of the entanglement

Now you're on the practice hours!
Draw what you want! Never say die !!!
Your way should be found by your enthusiasm!


If these girls were to appear, you would be happy.(I'm tired out!!)

Some of drawing subjects


«The problem of drawing children»
Drawing children (mostly, little kawaii girls, called "Nymphet") is NOT easy for beginners.
※Nymphet = girls aged 9∼14 with slightly naughty atmosphere.(in our subjectivity)
In the past, many famous expert artists have been drawing them as small grown-ups because the method of drawing children had not been established.
But, in the present, if you draw girls such like this, you'll be made you are criminal. what a regrettable age this is!
A larger head, bug-eyed face, thinner shoulders, flatter breasts, no waist, shorter and slenderer limbs..... there are many points you have to pay attention.
They are other creatures than the grown-ups, maybe.


You draw up them carefully, miniature-like.... that is good I think. but they really have extreme rough(uneven) surfaces of skin or the wears?(vague expression)

I guess, "they don't" this is the correct answer. Only you(and I) go with the crowds that are always drawing unnecessary parts of those?

You shouldn't mind about the wrinkles, creases (excluding macroanalysis expression) because the object is the girl.

In case of the object who isn't kind of the girl?
Who knows!



Accessories of dressing
A consideration of the posing.
A strange posed figure you drawn will give reading visitors a strange purpose.
Draw works under the environment where you are drawing, in good faith.

By the way, I don't know why, this site seems to be misunderstood as "Hentai" "Ecchi". I am just drawing girls, it is all.

Accessories of dressing +
Don't you think that, most of japanese manga creators are fond of the situation of "Panchira"(Peekaboo, exposed underwear, lingerie)?
This is correct answer, in a certain sense. This affair is occured out of the instinct. Nobody can stop it.
And vice versa, you can estimate them as they keep to be moderate. Because if they are not so, they must draw more severe emotional something that they desire as their being desired essentially. XO
They are respectably concealing the important items on the agenda. Therefore you can say, they are sincere, in fact.
(What a silly talk! I'm disgusted at me!)



Accessories of dressing ++
It is hard to draw a face from the front, but people who are beginners prefer it.
It is easy to lose the balance between the left and right sides.
If there are asymmetrical parts or elements, such as the character's hairstyle or pose, it will look more natural.


Clothes & Equipments


Clothes are the important items of living environment of civilized society. But, I don't know why, I'm sorry that I'm poor to draw clothes for girls. X0
Let me tell you a secret. Refer to some advertisements of clothes for girls that exist near by you whereever possible. You should find out the figure you have wanted probably. Copy that! (irresponsible remarks)

maidWhen let your characters have something tools ..... A comparison with the person and tools the person is holding, is the most important.
For instance, you let the parson hold a gun(frequently cases in Manga). If you draw kind of that abruptly, apt to distort forms of the long things.
You are going to draw the figure of holding a bar, after taking the composition on the whole. and flesh out necessary parts on the bar to be a gun.
If you can start to draw guns from the grips, that's more better!
(with regret, I could say a subject of gun only ;/ )

And, common to housemaids have a hidden knife on the tiptoe? (an idea from a film I admired)

[a postscript]
japanese maids japanese maids

maid?In japan, the maids as housekeeper, kind of these are called "Meidosan(May-daw-sun)".
Some misunderstandings have been given warped images to japanese people... "the maid is a pretty girl(kawaii-shoujo), the maid has sexual appeal, in some cases, the maid is able to fight as a excellent soldier...."
(I am writing great nonsense....)
Example figures : un-practical design! Not the goth-loli!
<--- An example of a kind of the "semi-goth".

The Manga has an iron rule of drawing girls more more pretty. And japanese people have respect for person who is loyal to the master.
In my opinion, these factors might create images of the japanese maid, the above there are some fishy words.


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